Telephone Line Monitor - Screenshots
1. Caller ID transmission starting with RP-AS (ring pulse alerting signal) captured by the DC coupled channel, followed by the FSK signal captured with the AC coupled channel. Note that the annotations shown underneath the FSK signal are generated by the Waveform Analysis option.

2. FSK waveform zoomed in to show the first two bytes of a Caller ID message. The message conforms to the Telecordia or ETSI standard and contains a total of 36 bytes. The optional Waveform Analysis component provides the additional annotations showing the mark time duration (151 ms), data segment duration (300 ms), and decoded byte & bit values.

3. Data layer analysis for captured Caller ID message shows the message type, contents of each parameter, and listing of all byte values.

4. Physical layer analysis of captured Caller ID FSK signal. Report provides information on the FSK message timing, FSK signal measurements, and lists the FSK data bytes (not shown below). The optional Waveform Analysis component is required to generate this report.

5. Event listing shows a Type II (off-hook) Caller ID transmission sequence. The three events listed are the CAS/DTAS tone followed by the ACK signal and then the FSK data transmission.

6. Data layer analysis from a captured SMS FSK message. The message type conforms to the ETSI protocol 1 standard and contains 33 data bytes. The report breaks down the transfer layer message and displays the contents of each field.

7. Captured waveform showing the first two DTMF digits for a dialed number of "6049454312". Moving the mouse over the event icon for the first DTMF digit displays additional measurements. Timing markers at the top of the waveform show duration and inter-digit delays.

8. Physical layer analysis of a captured ACK tone (DTMF 'D') from a Type II Caller ID transmission. The optional Waveform Analysis component is required to generate this report.

9. Captured ringing signal. Event icon reports level of 60 Vrms at 22 Hz. Measurements shown in top right corner report frequency, peak-to-peak voltage, maximum voltage, minimum voltage, and cyclic mean. The optional Waveform Analysis component is required to perform these measurements.

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